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What we Teach


Vazhuvoor (or Vizhuvur) is one of the original styles of Bharatanatyam.

The main distinctive features include:

  • Rich sringar elements

  • Wide range of dancing pace

  • Softer facial abhinaya

  • Extremely elaborate movements

  • Deep sitting positions

  • Variety of positions on the floor

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SriSaiNatyalayam conducts weekday classes and weekend classes.

Classes are grouped according to the ability of the students, with sessions for beginners, intermediates, and advanced students. There are no terms or semesters; students may advance to the next level class at any time during the year, based on their ability. Class sizes are kept small. This ensures personal attention from the teacher; the teacher is aware when a student is ready to advance.


The classes typically focus on Bharatanatyam, as it requires a more training. A portion of the time is spent, so that beginners can learn dance that they can perform relatively soon. Students may choose to learn just folk dances. There is only one such session now, but we're condsidering making more available depending on interest.

When and Where

Vazhuvoor Bharatanatyam

Weekdays and Weekends

Sri Sai Natyalayam (Since 1950) 
Institute & H.O. No:1/8,
Gowri Colony, (Near Macmillan Colony),
Nanganallur, Chennai - 600 061.
Phone:+91-44- 2224 8374

Weekdays (Tuesday – Friday )



Saturday : 3pm-7pm

Sunday : 7am-11am

Skype Classes

Skype id : srisainatyalaayam1

Chat with us to know more

Classes at other times  may be arranged on an individual basis. Private training sessions are always conducted at the Home Studio location. A new location where there are enough students (typically at least fifteen) may be suitable for starting a new weekly session.

If our times or locations don't suit you, we do conduct Skype classes  too (Skype id – srisainatyalaayam1)          |        Chennai         |          Classical Dance and Music School            |            044 -  2224 8374

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